October 4, 2011 6:30 AM

So there we were, hoping that this was not a false alarm. Julie wouldn’t let me bring the bags in because she thought it would jinx us. The nurse at the desk asked, “Can I help you?”… to which Julie responded, “I think I’m in labor”. The nurse snickered a bit and said, “Well honey, you’re smiling so we will check you out and see”. Then she promptly made Julie throw away her coke zero. Not a good start.

So they put us in a room, and started doing the normal checks that a pregnant woman is used to… I will refrain from going into detail for your sake. To keep myself from being a part of this examination I start inspecting the room. It was actually way more cozy than I expected it to me. I had always imagined an operating room with surgical lights, metal trays, and white walls… but this place was made to make you feel like you were right at home… if your home just so happened to be decorated in 1991 and you still haven’t updated it. There was even an old school TV in there… and by old school I mean, not a flat screen. Who knew that there would be a TV in the delivery room?… I should have packed the Playstation! Needless to say, the TV’s main job while we were there was to keep my attention off of the stirrups. I don’t know what it is, but there is just something about those things that makes me squeamish… maybe it’s a guy thing, but the thought of having to lay on that table in those shackles for the whole world to see your business in a way that you can’t even see it is terrifying. Ok, back to the pertinent information. Beyond stirrups and TV’s there were just a lot of machines and printers and my best friend… the rocking chair.

The check up that I had checked out on did not yield pleasant news. Julie was dilated and effaced at the same measurements the doctor had given her the week before. So all of these contractions and no progress. So the nurse, feeling vindicated that she had possibly put this young girl in her place who thought she was in labor but yet was smiling, said to Julie, “Well, no progress…Your Dr will be in around 9, so if you still haven’t progressed we will send you home.” GREAT! The one major fear Julie had about labor is possibly going to come true. She finally has let herself get excited… she finally believed with me that today was the day… and now this nurse gave her an ultimatum that she has no control over… progress or go home.

So we prayed… and prayed some more. We even texted our family to get them on board. I didn’t know how much progress needed to be made in 2.5 hours, but I knew that I wanted Julie to prove that nurse wrong. Look lady… just because my wife is pleasant and sweet and kind and desires to treat everyone she comes in contact with with respect and with a smile regardless of her discomfort gives you no right to make smart aleck comments… This was now more than just labor… this was now war. And Nurse Worse was going to lose.

Lucky for us, she never returned.

Well, not much happened between 6:45 and 9AM… just watching the contraction graph rise and fall every few minutes. Praying they were doing their job.

Dr. Allen finally arrived… and he mentioned the same thing immediately. “Honey, I guess we are going to have to check to see if you have made in progress, because you are smiling too much to be in labor”… Oh boy, here we go again. Julie responded, “Isn’t this suposed to be one of the happiest days of my life?”. He agreed. He proceeded to check her, I proceeded to check out, and the Lord proceeded to answer our prayers… PROGRESS!

Dr. Allen looked Julie in the eyes and said, “Honey, I’m sorry I ever questioned you… we’re going to have a baby”. I cannot even begin to tell you in words how that felt. I know that Julie was relieved, I could see it on her face. She finally let a little emotion show. It was finally going to happen. I was finally going to meet this little miracle! Even in our selfish prayers, God proved faithful.

Dr. Allen then asked Julie what kind of pain she was in on a scale of 1-10… Julie responded, “Ummm, probably around a 3…”. I just stared at her… a bit baffled. You are half way through your progress… with no meds… and you are at a 3?? This is the girl, mind you, who passed out after a flu shot… the same girl who cut her knee on a date (with another man), passed out and seized up… the same girl who, without my heroic action, would have passed out when I rolled her toenail back by pushing the mattress over it. Now, in what is consistently regarded as the most painful thing that a female willingly allows herself to go through, she’s at a whopping 3. She has always claimed that she has a super low pain tolerance… I now claim she is a liar.

We continued to play that waiting game as family arrived in town. 5cm turned to 6… and 6 to 7… 7 to 8… pain level? “Ummm… maybe a low 4”.

We were getting close… so close that we skipped 9 all together… it was time to push.

I have to tell you, I always imagined this differently. I told you earlier that I thought the room would be surgical in nature, so I was fully expecting to be asked to put on scrubs and wash down my hands and arms like the doctors get to do… but no. Nothing like I thought. The mental images from the labor videos started coming back into my mind… this is when I realized that there would be no curtain blocking me from the action… another misconception in my brain. Needless to say, this is time that I was needed most… Julie can’t do this without me… Get it together Allen! Put the PTSD behind you! YOU DID THIS TO HER! So inside I’m freaking out, but on the outside I was cool as a cucumber. I was going to be the best cheerleader she could ever have.

So she pushed for what seemed like 20 minutes, but in reality it was closer to an hour before the Dr came in. During that time she was in the zone. Eyes closed, concentrating on the goal. I have never seen Julie like this in all of our time together. I was doing my best to help her know when she was pushing right… constantly urging her on… but she never opened her eyes, or said a word… all she would do after a good push was raise her fist in the air in victory… over and over and over again. She was a fist pumping machine.

She had actually made some really good progress during that hour, but still needed to go a bit further. Dr. Allen told her, “Julie, I will let you push all night if you want, or I can help you out…”. At this point, she was exhausted… and I was just happy to know that labor hadn’t taken away her ability to speak. She agreed… and Dr. Allen positioned a little suction cup right on Adleigh Ruth’s head… and on the next contraction, our lives changed forever. There she was. I have never in my life wanted to meet someone as badly as I wanted to meet her… and she was here. In all seriousness, time seemed to stand still. I looked at my wife, and I can honestly say that I have never been more proud of her. She. was. awesome! My love for her increased exponentially because of what she had just done for us.

I cut the cord… Yes, I did it. I was scared. I thought I may pass out. But they gave me scissors that were as sharp as razor blades… plus my adrenaline was off the charts.

Then we proceeded over to the weighing table, where I was able to touch my little girl for the first time. Words cannot express the feeling. Pride just doesn’t do it justice. It was beyond joy. Weird wet stuff was falling from my eyes… I still need to get that checked out.

I am so thankful that God blesses us with spouses… and through the blessing of marriage, I am thankful that he chose to bless us with Adleigh Ruth. I knew standing there holding the hand of my wife and my new baby girl that my life would never be the same… and I also knew that I would not have it any other way


So I left you all sitting in the parking garage at the hospital, waiting on Julie to finish her butter biscuit…

Once it was gone, we finally made our way in and up to the forth floor. Lucky for us, we were already pre-registered because of a labor and delivery class we attended just a few weeks before… which leads me to a story you need to know…

Julie let me know about halfway through the pregnancy that she wanted to attend a class that the hospital puts on for new mothers. She pitched it to me like this…”It’s going to be a tour of the L&D floor and some baby basics… it will last 4 hours”. I think to myself, what on earth could they ever need to tell us for 4 hours… but knowing that any sarcastic remark could start the waterworks, I did what any husband of a pregnant woman learns to do… I agreed. I had completely forgotten about this class until Julie reminded me of it the week of. The class was on a Saturday, and Julie decided that she was going to look over our reservation and make sure she was reminded of everything they were going to throw at us before hand… this is where the bad news comes in… she looks at me and says, “you’re going to kill me”… that’s no good… She continues, “This is not just a 4 hour class…it’s 6… and it’s not just a tour with some baby basics… it’s an all out labor and delivery class…I’m sorry, I just realized that”. Immediately my mind goes into overdrive. 6 hours of labor and delivery! The scars from the video Mrs. Elam made us watch in the 8th grade are fresh in my mind… and now I am willingly going to a 6 hour class that is sure to be worse?!?! So I take a stand…”I am not going to that class. It is not what you promoted it to be…this is a conspiracy…You will be attending without your “support person”…” So on Saturday, there I sat… front row in a class of 15 other couples, anxiously awaiting the beautiful education of birth we are about to receive. Needless to say, I am thrilled.

Let me just take this time to let everyone know that though I have a college degree, and am almost done with a masters… I am pretty immature. I still laugh at inappropriate things… as a matter of fact, I got in trouble while watching the video for science class that I mentioned earlier for laughing during it… so being on the front row is not a good thing… actually, it’s probably the worst place I can be.

We spent the first hour or so of the class talking through the different phases of labor. I will spare you and keep that information to myself. All things considered, this is not that bad… but out of the corner of my eye, there sits the bane of my existence… the very thing that is sure to make this saturday one I will never forget… a tv set… and… don’t miss this… a vcr. I know that it is not in this room by accident… and I start praying then and there that it eats every tape she puts in it.

Apparently, selfish prayers don’t go very far… so in the first video we spent an hour getting to know 4 couples, and then we had the honor of following them through the stages of labor…and culminating with the miracle of birth… I was doing everything I could think of to hold it together… counting floor tiles, twiddling my thumbs, thinking about the football games that would be on later… and I must say, I was doing a great job until someone in the room couldn’t handle what they were seeing and was saying out loud (though in whispering voice), “Oh no…oh gosh…geez…poor lady…oh…”. I begin to loose concentration. I have to look at the screen… bad idea, main street view… someone will pay for this… so I try and find the culprit… who has broken my train of thought with their inability to control themselves… it is at this point that I realize that my wife is as white as a ghost, and she has her hand over her mouth in horror, and she is still talking outloud… I’m done… I’m in one of those “church laughs” where you are trying your brest to suffocate yourself, but it just makes things louder and more apparent. I whisper to Julie, “shhhh, everyone can hear you…” But it doesn’t change anything. This is her first experience with one of these videos, and she is ready to give this baby back…

Once the video ended, we were given a bathroom break, which Julie and I used to walk out into the hall and laugh until we were both crying… I warned you… immature.

4 more hours… 3 more videos… another on the phases of labor (same concept…different couples, which included a crazy dad who proclaimed during the birth, “WHOA, TAKE A LOOK AT THAT THING!”), one on natural labor (absolutely horrifying…), and lastly, my personal favorite… complications. That’s right, c-sections, vacuums, breaches, multiples, and everyone’s favorite… the forceps…I did not even slip a glance at this video, but I will never forget the groan that engulfed the room when the forceps were used… ughfjhsdkfhsdfa, I get the heeby jeebys just thinking about it.

After all of the videos we had a 15 minute baby basics lesson, and a 10 minute tour… I will leave it at that. But, let the record show that we were not the most immature couple in the room… the couple right next to us laughed the entire time…

When we left, Julie texted every married friend she had and told them to stay on birth control… She won the battle, by making me go to that goofy class… but those videos won the war…

To be continued… once more

Let the record show, I initially refused to post again until Julie fulfilled her duty and posted on this blog herself…well my friends, I am sad to say that I do not think that will ever happen… apparently she has writer’s block for life.

Now that our absence from this blog is explained… Labor Part 1…

What an absolute whirlwind these past 10 weeks have been…TEN WEEKS!!! It seems like just yesterday I was searching every square inch of the internet trying to find out how to coax this baby out. If there is one thing you need to know about me, it is that I really do not like to wait for my gifts… if Julie ever buys me something, she knows not to tell me that she has…because I am so impatient. Ordering stuff online is terrible… I check the tracking numbers religiously. I like to have what I know is coming on my timeline… and in case you didn’t know, babies don’t work that way. Needless to say, the last 4 weeks or so of Julie’s pregnancy were a booger. I wanted to see this little girl…to hold her and love her. Everything we read said that walking is a great way to move the process along in a safe way…

So we walked… everyday. As we walked we would pray out loud for Julie and the baby, and selfishly that she would come sooner rather than later…our prayers also consisted of things like…please let her be under 7 lbs… let her be smart like her mother… let her incredibly athletic, like her father… you know, the normal things…

I think these walks were Julie’s favorite part of the whole pregnancy experience.

Can I just take this time to say, as the dad in this situation, Braxton Hicks contractions (pre-labor contractions that get the body ready for the real thing, for you guys out there) are the worst. I got so excited so many times because of this goofy things (because Julie had a lot of them)…Do you know how deflating it is to think you are going to meet your brand new baby girl, and then these stupid things just disappear? Pregnancy is exhausting…

Moving on…

Well, the day finally came. October 4 was upon us. Little did we know when we went to bed on the 3rd what the next day held.

At 2 am I felt Julie get up out of the bed and walk to the bathroom. I asked anxiously, “what’s up?” (secretly hoping and praying that I didn’t just get woke up be a “pregnancy pee”-because if there is one thing I learned, it’s that pregnant women pee, a lot…) She replied, “not sure, i feel different”…BINGO! The pinball machine of excitement is going off in my head… I know immediately that today is the day, just as I have “known” that so many other instances over the past 2 weeks were also “the day”…my prediction record is not that impressive. So I got out of bed, and did what anyone in my situation would do… I played a round of Tiger Woods Golf… taking small breaks in between holes to monitor contractions via the iphone’s timer. It was awesome, the day my daughter was born was also going to be the day her dad won the Master’s tournament by 17 strokes… how’s that for a storyline.

Well, the contractions started coming quicker and quicker, to the point that they were 6- 7 minutes apart. This is the point where I made the decision that we were going to the hospital. This was also the point where Julie decided that we were not going to the hospital until she showered and put her makeup on… so I waited.

After tracking contractions for close to 4 hours, we were finally ready to leave the house. We prayed together in our living room for the last time as just us…

As a guy, this is the point that I have been preparing myself for my entire life… my main priority is to get her to the hospital as fast as possible so that everything can be taken care of there. I am mentally ready for the 5 minute drive across town. I have thought through the route. I am determined to run red lights if possible, not just if necessary. That is, until I hear this…”AL, can we grab a bite to eat… I’m hungry.”

If you know Julie, this statement will not come as a surprise to you. So I put my plans aside, and we drive to Chick-fil-A. Only to find it dark and inhabited by two employees who have just arrived. I knock on the window and explain the necessisty of our situation to an employee, who also happens to be one of our students here at The Well, but he tells me that there is nothing that they can do because all of the machines are off and they don’t open for 30 more minutes… you do not even want to know how scary the walk back to the car was…

So we settled on McDonalds. We order, pay and pull towards the main road. Once I see that it is clear, I gun it… finally, back to Allen’s plan. Get to the hospital as quick as possible. It is an exhilarating 15 feet. Julie scolds, “Slow down you goof, I need to have enough time to eat my biscuit…”. This is the point that I realize that all of my hollywood fantasies of getting to the hospital Dukes of Hazzard style are shattered…so we drive at a max of 40 MPH, and pull up to the hospital 5 minutes later (secretly knowing I could have gotten there in 3)…but even at that speed, Julie didn’t have enough time to enjoy her breakfast, so we sat in the garage another 5 minutes while she finished. No pain, no real discomfort… just in love with a butter biscuit.

To be continued…


Everyone else in the world is blogging about their life experiences…so we should too right??? This is the question Julie and I have been asking each other for a while now.

So here we are. Blogging. Telling you things you may or may not want to know about us and our mostly mundane life. I hope, if nothing else, you are entertained…

Lucky for you, we had quite an experience this past week…

Wednesday started as a normal work day. Bro. John was on vacation and asked me to preach the Wednesday service for him, so the majority of my day ways spent doing some last minute studying. I finally got things how I wanted them around 4pm, and started doing some other things around my office that were begging for my attention. All was well…until around 4:45ish. Julie works in Tennessee every Wednesday and usually calls me around this time to let me know that she is coming home. Last Wednesday was no different, only this time there was a different sound to her voice. She says to me, “you will never guess what just happened”… Not knowing exactly what to say… I stayed silent. She then said these words… “I just fell in a manhole”.


Still dumbfounded… I asked, “what did you just say?”. Julie once again reiterated, “I really fell in a manhole!”

How did this happen you might ask…(and I did)

Well, when Julie finished her notes for the day she gathered her things (two arms full) and made her way across a lawn towards the explorer. According to Julie, she was just walking along, enjoying the weather…and then all of a sudden she was IN A MANHOLE!!! Julie, being the beast she is, dropped everything in her arms on the way down and caught herself in the “chicken wing” position. Im not exactly sure how her arms didn’t snap off. When I say she caught herself, I really mean it. She was not touching the bottom, and has no idea how deep the hole actually was.

After regaining her composure, and realizing what happened, she pulls another amazing feat… She mustered up all of her strength and pulled herself out of the manhole alone. For normal Julie, this would be something special, but for pregnant Julie… It’s downright incredible! I say that only because she cannot even get out of a chair at the house without some serious rocking action… She’s 6 months pregnant… It comes with the territory. Needless to say, I was very proud.

When she got out, she realized there was a nursing home staff member on her smoke break, so she yelled and asked if she could get some help. The staff member came over and said, “I wasn’t sure what was going on. I just saw you coming up from out of the ground”.

Then she smelled it… That’s right… She fell knee deep in something fowl… Something pungent… Something slimy and black. In her words, “My cute leggings and shoes were ruined”.

She went from the hole back to the building to talk with the director. He walked out of the door and tried to ask what happened… But before he could get the words out of his mouth, he too was overtaken by the smell. He couldn’t even stand near her. IT WAS THAT BAD.

Julie then proceeded to clean up, and changed into the cheetah print pajamas of some old lady who lives at the nursing home (I’m not even going to go there). She then was checked out by a nurse and made her way home…

So that’s how my pregnant wife found herself in a manhole. Which a few days later turned out to be a little less disgusting. The director called and told her it was a grease trap and not a sewage dump…still gross, but not quite so sickening.

For those of you wondering, we had a doctors appointment on Friday and all was perfectly fine. Julie has a few scrapes and bruises, but is fine as well.

God protected Julie and baby Adleigh…and for that we are thankful.

In Julie’s words, “at least it is a funny story”…
